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A Sociopath Exposes the Narcissist – (Part 1/3)

narcissist-sociopathIn my opinion, there is are no differences between a narcissist and a sociopath. Both follow the exact same pathological relationship agenda and can be equally as evil to the people who love them. That being said, it has become apparent to me that there are certain self-diagnosed sociopaths who beg to differ with my way of thinking. To this pompous bunch, being labeled as a narcissist is…well…kinda like an expert being labeled as an amateur and the debate, as you can imagine, can get quite heated.

This group of sociopaths/narcissists (S/N) that I refer to hangs out on a blog/forum that, for the purpose of this article, will have to remain nameless. The reason for this omission is not because I don’t enjoy the site because I do (in a sick, “puts-knots-in-my-stomach”  sort of way), but rather because I’d prefer it not to appear as if I’m promoting these people, that’s all.

Now, before I get to the point of this post series, let me say that this website is run by an anonymous female sociopath (FS) whose gender was also anonymous until just this year when she finally self-published a book and really couldn’t hide it anymore. It seems to me, though, that there are still those S/Ns who regularly visit the site that aren’t so sure…so who knows (and who cares, really)? This FS (as I’ll call her/him) writes the majority of the posts (guests write the others) and what she writes about is being a sociopath. That’s it. On the right side of the home page is a list of about 40 topics of which there are at least 5 – 10 articles per topic available to read.

Believe me when I tell you that this is some scary shit. If you ever wanted to know what a narcissist is thinking when it comes to sex, cheating, relationships, having no conscience, lying, manipulation, porn, why they can leave you in the blink of an eye, why they come back, what they think of us (a.k.a. empaths – meaning “those who have empathy), all that….well, this is an appropriate place to start.Now, how much of the content on this site is contrived (e.g. writing what they think empaths want to hear), I have no clue – maybe some, maybe none – but it makes for some interesting and very distressing reading. Not only are the site moderator and guest writers sociopaths, so, it appears, are the majority of the commentators that show up to elaborate, debate, and commiserate with each other. And these are (or at least they appear to be) some highly intelligent sociopaths who, I might add, are suspiciously wonderful writers. Every last one, in fact. So, again, what’s contrived and what isn’t, who’s to say? And if all that weren’t enough, the comments are unmoderated (per an actual warning on the site), so anything goes – and, believe me, it does. Much of the content is sickening, of course, because not a single word on this site is what anybody coming to this site would care to or ever want to hear. Or do we?

I thought, for this post series, I’d do something a little different and offer up some actual blog/article content from this website to complement my topic of the hour – compartmentalization. Compartmentalization – aside from being a long, twenty-letter word – is what narcissists do inside their twisted heads so that they don’t have to give a shit about us before, during, and after the Discard.  A narcissist’s victim is always left wondering how this person could possibly do what he does to a someone who so obviously loves them and has stood by them. These and other similar unanswered questions make up the nucleus of our heartbreak. Narcissists, of course, know this and the intention of the discard (in the way that they do it) is to break our hearts like we’ve never had them broken before….to cause us the most pain possible….to make sure that “moving on” is wiped off our emotional To-Do List for years to come.

Compartmentalization is how a narcissist or sociopath justifies evil actions and silent treatments and lying and infidelity and, according to the aforementioned FS and her followers,  it’s actually a very organized process. What I am going to show you in A Sociopath Exposes a Narcissist (How They Do It) – Part 2 comes right from the horse’s mouth and it will make your skin crawl.

We’re going to use the words of a self-diagnosed sociopath to expose the narcissist’s game strategy.


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